Financial Issues

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Our Finances

We want you to know how your donations are spent. See the links below to check out our finances.

View Our Action Plans, Budget, and Audited Financial Statements. Our budgets are our annual plan for deciding how to allocate donations between different needs. Our action plans map out our strategy for providing the most effective help in each project we are undertaken. A certified professional accountant (KalBuisiness Consultancy) audits our financial statements annually.

Projects ethics and organizational integrity

The Organization’s Code of Conduct commits it to the highest standards of integrity, conduct and ethics in its dealings with all parties concerned, including its Directors, managers, employees, customers, suppliers, Donors, stakeholders and the public in general. The Directors and staff are expected to fulfil their ethical obligations in such a way that the projects is run strictly according to terms of reference.

Financial reporting

The Directors accept final responsibility for the preparation of the annual financial statements. The Directors are satisfied that during the year under review:

Adequate accounting records were maintained
An effective system of internal control and risk management, monitored by management, was maintained
Appropriate accounting policies, supported by reasonable and prudent judgments and estimates, were used consistently and
The financial statements were compiled in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Check out our latest Impact Report for information on new innovations, highlights, and how many families we impacted with our methods.

Reports & other documents
click buttons below to download documents.