Maasai School Construction Project
“Empower Dreams, Build Futures: Bridging Distances, Building Classrooms – Join FOU in Transforming Mlembule Maasai Village, One Classroom at a Time!”

Maasai School Construction Project
Executive Summary

The Maasai Primary School Education project, led by Friends of Usambara Society (FOU), aims to support community initiatives promoting education, health, and entrepreneurship. FOU, established in 1997, focuses on sustainable development and inclusive participation of children, teachers, and the community. The project emphasizes creating a conducive learning environment, including providing habitable accommodation and ablution facilities at the school.
FOU has collaborated successfully with the School Development Committee and community leaders to ensure community ownership of the project. The local community actively participates by contributing materials and labor.
To realize its goals, FOU plans to build 8 classrooms at a cost of USD 15,180. The objective is to enhance community capacity for education and health infrastructure, particularly benefiting the most vulnerable.

Project Rationale
In Mlembule Maasai village, children face challenges accessing primary schools due to significant distances. FOU’s strategy involves constructing a block with 8 classrooms, addressing the constraints faced by children and parents. The project includes teaching materials, clean water provision, and two project phases.
In phase (2), FOU will construct 7 classrooms, staff houses, toilets, and complete furnishing. The project encourages community involvement in brick-making and resource contribution. The initiative aims to instill the importance of education in the community.
Problem Statement
Northern Tanzania’s Masai and interior villagers lack sufficient education efforts, resulting in children entering first grade unprepared and facing high dropout rates. This leads to underrepresentation in influential positions, affecting their participation in local governance and employment.
Statement of Problem
The Masai’s limited success in education hinders their representation in influential roles, affecting employment and local governance. Early education opportunities, like pre-school, are crucial for better preparedness, increased family support, and improved academic performance.
FOU Charity Long Goal
This proposal seeks funding to construct a pre-school, expanding FOU Charity’s impact. The pre-school aims to provide additional skills through training, creating a lasting change in the lives of disadvantaged children. It represents a sustainable, long-term project for FOU Charity.

Strategies for Implementation
Construct a primary school block in Mlembule Mombo, Tanzania, serving approximately 1,000 students over seven years to provide quality education.
Project Proposal:
After extensive discussions with local communities, baseline data review, and FOU’S meetings, the project was proposed.
Phase 1:
One kindergarten classroom is completed; additional classrooms and staff houses will commence upon fund availability. Installation of a 5,000-liter borehole water tank is underway. Desks will be purchased to initiate school operations in the second budget of phase two, admitting 200 students across four classes.
Monthly technical and financial reports will be provided to the funding agency, covering class attendance, lessons, materials, challenges, achievements, spending details, and community support.
Project Beneficiaries:
The facilities aim to serve 300 primary school students from Maasai and surrounding villages.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
Formal and informal mechanisms include Multi-Indicator Cluster Surveys, class performance surveys, attendance data, girl-boy retention data, and exit surveys.
Project Sustainability:
FOU’S will collaborate with the local Council, Ministry of Education, and NGOs. A Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education will define roles, and FOU’S will invest in staff training. FOU’S will work with local communities to enhance governance and establish a Parents Teachers Association (PTA).
FOU’S will collaborate with the local community, community leaders, development partners, and the Government of Tanzania.
Community Contribution:
The local community will contribute labor and materials, including water and sand, for construction and security.
FOU’S Capacity:
FOU has the necessary capacity for effective program management, planning, and community recognition. The organization maintains a non-interference policy in school administration, fostering unity and stability. Budget proposals rely on donations, and a deficit, mainly for labor, needs covering.
This strategic initiative by FOU aims for sustainable education delivery, community involvement, and long-term impact on Mlembule Maasai village.